Exxelia and all its employees are following the terrible events in Ukraine with great concern.

Since the beginning of the war, we have been acting to provide humanitarian aid and support to refugees. To this end, the various Exxelia sites have collected first aid hygiene and care products, as well as dry food.

The donations are now being sent to the city halls of the different Exxelia sites, or directly to local associations.


Thank you to all #TeamExxelia for their support towards the Ukrainian people.

Publié le 23 Mar 2022 par Stephane PERES

X-59 QueSST de la NASA : Exxelia est à bord

Si le programme tient ses promesses, il pourrait permettre l’émergence d’avions de transport supersoniques capables de voler au-dessus des terres, sans les limitations imposées au Concorde en son temps. Pour ce projet, Exxelia produit principalement des bobines en provenance de nos sites USA. Nos composants sont à destination du moteur de l’avion.     Avec son nez allongé, ses ailes “bossues” et ses petites surfaces portantes dispersées, le X-59 ne ressemble à aucun autre avion. Une configuration exceptionnelle pour des capacités exceptionnelles. Crédits: NASA     Il volera à une vitesse de 1,5 Mach (1,5 fois la vitesse du son), soit plus de 1 800 kilomètres par heure. La NASA espère que son appareil pourra, à terme, être utilisé dans le domaine de l’aviation civile.   Si les essais sont concluants, le X-59 QueSST pourrait donc avoir deux effets révolutionnaires sur le paysage aéronautique américain, voire mondial : L’avion d’essai pourrait servir d’inspiration à de futurs avions de transport produits en série, qu’il s’agisse d’avions de ligne ou d’avions d’affaire. L’ensemble du projet LBFD pourrait permettre une évolution de la réglementation aérienne actuelle. Plutôt que d’interdire tous les vols supersoniques civils au-dessus des USA, comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui, la NASA propose d’instaurer une réglementation en fonction du niveau de bruit.   Source : Lockheed Martin, NASA

Exxelia à Railtex 2017

Felsic HV, long lifetime and high voltage screw terminal aluminum electrolytic capacitor The Felsic HV family of aluminum electrolytic screw terminal capacitors provides great performances in energy density and ultra-long lifetime. For instance, 6 800µF @450V fit into a  volume of Ø77 x 220mm  and can withstand 200,000h between 0 to 70° under 37Amps, which makes them the perfect choice for use in rolling stock traction systems or the CVS. The family also has one of the lowest ESR for aluminum capacitors with less than 10m0hms in most cases. Products are available for voltages from 160 to 450 Vdc, and offer capacitance values from 1500μF up to 47 000μF offering the best compromise between reliability and compacity.     Snapsic HV, high voltage snap aluminum electrolytic capacitor Because it covers voltages from 16 to 500Vdc and temperatures up to +105°C, and because it is customizable, the Snapsic HV series is very versatile and can cover all needs of energy storage in medium voltage both in rolling stock equipment or signaling systems. Thanks to its high ripple current, it is often used in SMPS and HVAC rolling stocks units with a typical variation of 470µF @450V in Ø35 x 50mm, as well as in various signaling control units, where a smaller package can be used with for example 1 000µF @250V in Ø35 x 40mm.   Prorelsic, the long lifetime axial aluminum electrolytic capacitors for signaling equipment Exxelia’s range of aluminum electrolytic solutions would not be complete without the axial leaded Prorelsic series. These capacitors show high ripple current and extra-long life-time with 20 000h @105°C. The most common sizes are Ø8.5 x 19mm, Ø10 x 19mm and Ø12 x 30mm, with typical values of 47µF @40V, 100µF @25V and 47µF @100V respectively. Prorelsic capacitors are perfectly suited for smoothing, coupling/decoupling and energy storage functions in railway signaling equipment.