Custom Resistor Dividers from Exxelia Ohmcraft Help Enable Innovative Downhole X-ray Inspections

ROCHESTER, N.Y., September 22, 2020 — In order to safely and successfully abandon and cap off oil wells, downhole X-ray technology is used to check the wells for any structural damage or radioactive materials. Exxelia Ohmcraft—a leader in thick-film, high-voltage, high-precision resistor design and ...

...and manufacturing—was recently tapped to develop a custom, high-voltage resistor divider for this application

For more than 15 years, Exxelia Ohmcraft has provided custom resistors for petrotechnical analysis equipment used in downhole drilling. That’s why manufacturers of the downhole X-ray inspection platform turned to Ohmcraft to help develop a custom solution for use in this new and innovative diagnostic tool, which has already generated significant demand in the market.

While cameras are able to capture images of a well’s exterior, downhole drilling X-ray platforms enable oil companies to clearly examine the inside of the well despite harsh conditions, including exposure to high temperatures, high pressures, and fluids. The X-ray inspection helps to ensure the well’s integrity and mitigate any risks.

“The process of taking X-rays deep down inside of a well involves very powerful and specialized equipment, for which the design required reliable high-voltage resistor dividers in a small form factor—a combination that manufacturers struggled to find,” said Eric Van Wormer, Vice President of Exxelia Ohmcraft. “Given our experience in downhole drilling applications and the development of custom resistor solutions, we were able to work closely with the engineers to meets their needs and help them bring this technology to life for their customers.”

Exxelia Ohmcraft’s technology utilizes the proprietary Micropen electronic printing system to “print” precise, narrow, serpentine lines with resistive ink on a ceramic substrate, producing higher performance resistors over a wider range of values on a smaller surface area than is possible with conventional film resistor technology.

Publié le 23 Sep 2020 par Rebecca Charles

Exxelia célèbre le 10eme anniversaire de sa marque

Exxelia célèbre le 10ème anniversaire de sa marque @Exxelia #poweringperformance #Exxelia10ans Le 29 Aout 2019 – Paris, France – Exxelia, leader dans la conception et la fabrication de composants passifs complexes et solutions électromécaniques pour des marchés industriels de pointe, célèbre les 10 ans de sa marque en confirmant une forte croissance. Le groupe Exxelia est né de la fusion de cinq sociétés bien établies aux activités et savoir-faire complémentaires (Eurofarad, Firadec, Sic Safco, Microspire et Astema). Aujourd'hui, Exxelia compte 13 sites de production situés en France, aux États-Unis, au Vietnam et au Maroc. Intégrés dans les avions civils et militaires de dernière génération, à bord des missions d'exploration spatiale les plus prestigieuses telles que ChangE4 et Insight, les composants Exxelia ont toujours été la solution de référence lorsque l'environnement est sévère et la fiabilité indispensable. Paul Maisonnier, PDG d'Exxelia : «Au cours des 10 dernières années, Exxelia a doublé son chiffre d'affaires grâce à une croissance organique soutenue et des acquisitions stratégiques. Nous sommes fiers d'être reconnus  comme concepteur et fabricant de premier plan de solutions standards et spécifiques jouissant d'une réputation de performance et de qualité. ” A l'avenir, Exxelia souhaite continuer sur sa lancée et devenir le leader mondial des composants passifs complexes destinés aux applications à haute fiabilité. Pour consulter les dernières actualités d’Exxelia ->